Saturday, February 16, 2008

Deep Thoughts On Blogging

Okay, so I've somewhat returned.

For those of you in the know, so to speak, Hockey Coma used to be located over on Wordpress, but I've now moved it to Blogger. Suffice it to say, I missed the nosy thrill of Google Analytics and being able to tell from where my readership comes.

I put Hockey Coma on hiatus primarily because an immediate family member is facing a protracted illness. We have received word that said illness will take considerably less time and care than we were informed previously, so I have a bit more time to blog now. Posting, however, should be more or less sporadic until the 15th of March or so, which is the original timetable I set.

However, even before putting Hockey Coma on hiatus, I briefly wondered to myself if I was really having all that much fun with this whole fancy-schmancy blogging thing. Cat & Jen will tell you I am my own worst critic. I can very well stand up and admit it; I am a trembling, quivering walking mess of neuroses and self-doubt at the best of times. I wasn't really appreciating what I was writing. I felt as if too often I had essentially half-assed what could have been better.

In essence, for those of you who read this blog, I am going to lay out some simple guidelines and rules for myself and for the blog for the road ahead that directly involve you.

#1: I Promise To Remain Ad-Free
Let me first of all say that I have no problem with blogs that run ads. However, I see little need to suck in cash over my overexuberance for hockey. I personally think that for me, running an ad or any other sort of ad program, like AdWords, etc., is too distracting.

#2: I Promise To Give You The Best That I've Got
My best may not be good enough, but it will be the best that I have. I will not put anything up that I have not proofread, spell-checked, fact-checked and credited sources correctly. Moreover, I'll work on whatever it is so it doesn't suck...really hard.

#3: I Highly Encourage Participation
Tell me it sucked or tell me it rocked. Either way is fine, but I like to know what people think. If you have a better idea, let me know. I'm highly interested in what people think and what people would like to see. One of the reasons I blog is for the interaction of the hockey blogging community, not just the selfish, egotistical satisfaction of seeing words that I wrote on the internets. (Okay, so a lot of it is the whole selfish, egotistical thing, but I still like the part about that whole "community" bit.)

#4: Your Opinion Is Respected Here
I see an awful lot of hockey fans being disappointed by the way blog maintainers/writers have acted toward them in the past. No matter what your opinion is, it's respected here. Granted, there will probably be respectful dissenters as well, but I think it's at least important to highlight the fact that I think not only should everyone's voice be heard, but it should be heard with a reasonable ear (and said with a reasonable tongue).

#5: All That Being Said, I Still Reserve The Right To Moderate Your Comments, Y'Know
Abusive, troll-like behavior makes your comment go bye-bye. Enough said! It's sad that it has to be said, but self-restraint is not everyone's forte.

#6: It Will Be A Frosty Day In Hell Before I Ever Accept A Press Pass From The Stars
More and more these days, it seems like the line between blogger and journalist is becoming a bit blurry. Many bloggers have access to press boxes and get press credentials. (I actually see this as a good thing.) The Stars currently have no such system in place, but if they did, and somehow managed to offer me a press pass, the answer would be a resounding "no". Why? Because it would make me hesitate to say something like this on the blog:

"Brett Hull looks like he takes advantage of that Arby's Five for Five deal five times a day! For the sake of the children, slow down on the roast-beef and cheddar, man!"

I feel it would make me less likely to articulate that whole "Crazy Random Thing That Totally Just Popped Into Caitlin's Head" thing, and more likely to tiptoe around an issue.

That being said, Ted Leonsis: Get me a press pass and a plane to Washington, tickets to a Caps game and an Alexander Ovechkin T-Shirt in medium and I will totally tell the world about what a great and good owner you are.

As always, you can contact me at


Unknown said...

I just glad you're back Caitlin!

Caitlin said...

I'm glad to be back too. :D

Cat said...

Welcome back!!

Dave said...

Indeed, welcome back!

Caitlin said...

Thank you, cat & wufpirate!