Monday, March 10, 2008

Around the NHL

Sean Avery is a massive douchebag. Throwing water bottles like a two year old out of the penalty box? Get over yourself, dude. Nearly hitting someone? Not cool. Go cry in your designer apartment, jerkface. (And by the way, the Dior men's collection? So not cute for you. If you had any sense of style, Avery, you'd be wearing Zegna!)

It looks like the Wings and some other team are going to be playing at Yankee Stadium for the next big "outdoor game". Wow. Um, uniting the Wings and Yankees, two of my top sports hates? Good call, NHL.

Poor Niklas Backstrom. He scored into his own net, but everyone else will score on him for the rest of his career. Sympathies, man.

Sergei Zubov wants to hurry up and play again! The Stars wrote a whole piece about it, as a matter of fact. My favorite parts?

Defenseman Sergei Zubov excels at a lot of things as a professional hockey player.

Unfortunately, waiting around for a bone to heal is not one of them.

Ha! So basically, we're now acknowledging Russian's crankiness in public, huh?

"Even if you miss a couple of games you get frustrated, so imagine two months,” he said. “That's just not good. Honestly I’m sick of it and cannot wait to get back."

Poor Russian. Undoubtedly his days are long and cold, filled with too much chilled vodka and multiple viewings of James Bond films while Iskristiy lurks about the house, occasionally stopping to serve as a footstool for his master's busted foot.

"It's not really my call,” he said. “There is a specialist that is watching me closely. I see him every day, every morning. It's going to be his call when I can take the boot off, but I will try to get there as fast as I can. It as been a long, long time now."

"And furthermore, I have been bribing said specialist, but he won't budge. I hate this stupid boot. As soon as this man fixes my foot, I shall send Iskristiy on an 'errand'. This feels like years. I'd retreat to my Siberian bunker, but it's all snowed in. I hate life right now."


Cat said...

Poor Russian! I'm so excited for his triumphant return!!

Caitlin said...

Poor Russian! I'm so excited for his triumphant return!!

Me too! The reunion of Happy Meals & Russian shall be a fantastic one!

Adam Rodgers said...

I , too , am excited for Russian and Happy Meals collective returns . If Russian did not seem so intimidating and cranky in person , I would tell him I am sorry for him having to be out for so long . Happy Meals is just out chasing women during his injury .

Caitlin said...

If Russian did not seem so intimidating and cranky in person , I would tell him I am sorry for him having to be out for so long . Happy Meals is just out chasing women during his injury .

Aww, Happy Meals! I'm glad I am not the only one who finds Russian intimidating and scary. Seriously, the one time I met him, I was half turning to run. The man probably thought I was bananas (poor Russian).

Kirsten said...

That reminds me of Ovechkin talking about how in Russia if you do something wrong, you just give the police some money, and it goes away. Apparently he has found that this is not true in the United States, well at least not for speeding tickets.

Caitlin said...

That reminds me of Ovechkin talking about how in Russia if you do something wrong, you just give the police some money, and it goes away.

I think this is true for everything in Russia. Throw money at it, and it resolves. :D

Apparently he has found that this is not true in the United States, well at least not for speeding tickets.

This is why there needs to be an Alex Ovechkin reality show!

"Episode One: In Which Alex Learns Bribery Is Not As Effective In The US As It Is In The Motherland"