Saturday, March 22, 2008

Deep Thoughts, Period

Okay, guys, I've just decided that I'm not going to get riled up over this 4-2 loss to the Kings. No, really, I'm not. I'm just going to cynically (and proverbially) sit here with an eyebrow raised, daring the Stars not to suck. If they don't suck, then I'm pleasantly surprised.

Instead of rehashing my feelings and my ways to relieve hockey-related stress, especially when other bloggers like Patty do a much better job than I do, I must say that the very thought of Pros vs. Prospects IV the other night was an encouraging one. All the guys seemed to have a really good time. Jen has a recap and photos -- sadly, my camera died, or else I'd have photos -- so I thought I would hit you up with some highlights from the charity game.

  • Jen saw Mike Modano high-five the Easter Bunny. Seriously, how can anyone dislike Mike Modano? We had seats directly behind the Tornado bench (literally) and Mo was standing off to the side, looking distinctly happy to be watching everyone playing. And then he high-fived THE EASTER BUNNY. What more can you say? AMERICAN HERO, that's what.
  • Most of the pros wore their old hockey pants and helmets for the game, which was confusing, as some of them had blue/red/black pants. It was very odd to look over and see old school Red Wings and Blues helmets.
  • I'm sure the Texas Tornado now hate the three of us, as we spent most of our time cackling and laughing at stupid shit. Okay, so really, that was me.
  • OMG Brett Hull nearly killed himself playing. Seriously. Poor Hullie.
  • A good time was had by all, even though an enormous polar bear mascot named Ike tried to kiss me through the glass of the benches.


Patty (in Dallas) said...

I should have gone to that game! I'd feel a lot better today than I do, I bet.

Cat said...

Hee, Mo high-fiving the Easter Bunny. That is TOO cute. American Hero, indeed!! I wish I had seen it.

Caitlin said...

Patty - I think you would have. But never fear, never fear -- the Stars will do better, me thinks.

Cat -- I am so pissed that I missed Mike Modano high-fiving the Easter Bunny. What a moment to have missed and not taken a picture of. Le sigh.